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Pin Configuration

Say you've got SomeIC, which has two signals (configure_me and configure_me_too) to set its I2C address. You want to write a module which supports all these addresses in a simple manner.

You can do something like this!

module SomeIC:
    signal configure_me ~ config.bit_0
    signal configure_me_too ~ config.bit_1
    # etc... (do power and what not as required)

    # Replace me!
    config = new _ConfigBase
    # You could also enforce this with an
    #   assertion if you really wanted to

module _ConfigBase:  # <--- Prefixed with the underscore implies private
    """Must be replaced with an actual configuration."""
    power = new Power
    signal bit_0
    signal bit_1

module Config0x70 from _ConfigBase:
    """For selecting address 0x70"""
    bit_0 ~ power.gnd
    bit_1 ~ power.gnd

module Config0x71 from _ConfigBase:
    """For selecting address 0x71"""
    bit_0 ~ power.vdd  # <--- see this bit is now high?
    bit_1 ~ power.gnd

# etc...

Then, when you go to use SomeIC you can just do:

some_ic = new SomeIC
some_ic.config -> Config0x70

Make a component with your own footprint

Footprints are gathered on build, so as long as you place the footprint file within the project's directory, it'll be pulled at build time.

To assign a footprint that's stored in your project, you can set footprint = "<footprint_filename_without_extension>"

The reason this approach isn't recommended is that it's not very portable. You're relying upon someone else's system to also have the library installed.

If you do want to do this, you can specify the library as well in the footprint field. For example, footprint = "<library>:<footprint>"

Attach pins in atopile to footprints

A pin is attached to a footprint via it's name.

For example, if your footprint has a pad named 1, your component is expected to have a pin 1 as well.

Pins can be: - An integer (e.g. pin 1, pin 2, pin 3) - A name (e.g. pin vcc, pin gnd, pin sda, pin scl) - A string (e.g. pin "1a", pin "2b", pin "3c")

Something not here?

If you're looking for a how-to that isn't here, please ask us on Discord or open an issue on GitHub!